Muamar Dev Apps

English Communication Skill Of MuamarDev-M23
Muamar Dev
Book Learning effective and intelligent speaking skills offline
Sejarah Kemerdekaan RI MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Learn the Theory of the History of Indonesian Independence forstudents and the general public
Sejarah Illuminati MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
Learn the Theory of Illuminati History for students and the generalpublic
Bankruptcy Basics MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
You'll also find answers to common questions about bankruptcy.
Buku Panduan Satpam Offline MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
A collection of guides to become a professional security guard. Prooffline security guard
Elder law Book MuamarDev-M23
Muamar Dev
Elder law knowledge and solutions to legal problems
Livro Político Offline MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
Policy books for students and university students
Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan MuamarDev-2020
Muamar Dev
Buku Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan merupakan aplikasi BukuGratisIndonesia yang berisi tentang rangkuman teori PengantarIlmuPerpustakaan. Ilmu Perpustakaan (Inggris: library science)atauIlmu Informasi adalah bidang interdisipliner yangmenggabungkanilmu sosial, ilmu hukum, dan ilmu terapan untukmempelajari topikyang berkaitan dengan perpustakaan. Ilmuperpustakaan inimempelajari mengenai cara pengumpulan,pengorganisasian,pengawetan, dan penyebarluasan sumber informasiyang ada di suatuperpustakaan, serta berkaitan dengan nilai ekonomidan politis dariinformasi pada umumnya. Pada mulanya ilmuperpustakaan lebihmembahas mengenai ilmu pengarsipan. Hal iniberkaitan dengan carapenataan sumber informasi dengan sistemklasifikasi perpustakaandan teknologi untuk mendukung maksud ini.Topik ini juga berkaitandengan bagaimana pengguna jasa informasiini mengakses, menelusuri,dan memanfaatkan informasi. Dan satuaspek lagi yang tidak kalahpenting adalah etika dalam penataan danpelayanan informasi, sertastatus legal dari suatu perpustakaansebagai sumber informasi.Secara akademis ilmu perpustakaan biasanyameliputi: manajemenkoleksi, sistem informasi dan teknologi,kataloging, klasifikasi,cara pengawetan, referensi, statistika danmanajemen. Ilmuperpustakaan juga berkembang sejalan denganperkembangan teknologikomputer, oleh karena itu topik tentangsistem informasi manajemen,manajemen basis data, arsitekturinformasi, dan manajemenpengetahuan juga menjadi bagian mata kuliahpenting dalampembahasan ilmu perpustakaan menuju suatu perpustakaandigital.Aplikasi Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan sangat cocok digunakanuntukmahasiswa maupun masyarakat umum yang ingin mempelajariteoriPerpustakaan secara praktis. Aplikasi ini juga bisadigunakansebagai alternatif pengganti ebooks Perpustakaan dikampusKamu.Download segera aplikasi Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan Dasar.FiturAplikasi : Fitur Kategori Buku Gratis Bahasa Indonesia Offline👉Dengan fitur ini, Anda akan mudah untuk mencari teoriberdasarkankategori. Fitur Favorite 👉 Anda bisa menyimpan materiyang inginAnda simpan untuk di pelajari dikemudian hari hanyadengan mengetuktombol favorite pada bagian atas artikel. FiturFitur Artikel 👉Melihat semua Materi Perpustakaan dalam satu menuFitur Pencarian 👉Cari nama kategori dan judul artikel sesuai dengankeinginanmu.Muamar Dev adalah pengembang aplikasi android yangingin memberikankontribusi terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia melaluiprogram BukuGratis Indonesia Offline. Masih banyak kekurangan dalamaplikasiini. Oleh sebab itu, kritik dan saran yang Anda berikansangat kamiharapkan, sehingga kedepannya Kami akan terusmengembangkanaplikasi Buku Pengantar Ilmu Perpustakaan secaragratis kepadaseluruh masyarakat indonesia. *APLIKASI INI GRATIS.Hargai danapresiasi Kami dengan 5 bintang. ***** *Tidak perlumemberikanbintang jelek ya, cukup 5 bintang saja. Kalau materinyakurang,request aja. Apresiasi tersebut tentu bisa membuat kamimenjadilebih semangat untuk memperbaharui konten dan fitur aplikasiini.Hak Cipta Ikon Sebagian Hak Cipta ikon dalam aplikasi informasi selengkapnya bisa dilihatdibagian menu privasi dan kebijakan aplikasi. PENOLAKAN:Kontenseperti Artikel, Gambar, dan Video dalam aplikasi inidikumpulkandari seluruh web yang bersifat domain publik, jadi jikaKami telahmelanggar hak cipta Anda, beri tahu saya dan itu akandihapussesegera mungkin. Semua hak cipta dan merek dagang dimilikiolehpemiliknya masing-masing. Aplikasi ini tidak disetujui olehatauberafiliasi dengan entitas terafiliasi lainnya. Semua gambaryangdigunakan dalam aplikasi ini diyakini berada di domain publik.JikaAnda memiliki hak atas salah satu gambar, dan tidak inginmerekamuncul di sini, silakan hubungi kami dan akan Kami hapus.
Mikrobiologi Pangan MuamarDev-2020
Muamar Dev
Theory of Food Microbiology for students and the general public
Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Theory Thinking rationally (critical, logical, and systematic).
Teknik Tenaga Listrik MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Electrical Power Engineering Theory for students and the generalpublic
Kamus Istilah Hukum Offline MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Dictionary - Collection of Indonesian legal terms and language
Mesin Listrik Dasar MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Basic Electrical Mechanical Theory for basic electrical and generalengineering students
Economics Textbook Offline MuamarDev-M23
Muamar Dev
Basic knowledge of economics. Study economics now!
Law Books Offline - Study Law For Free MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Law Books Offline is a collection of theories about propertylaw,international law, criminal law and other legal foundations.Thisapplication is perfect for you who want to learn basic law.Legalapplications can be an alternative to very complete legalebooks.Law is commonly understood as a system of rules that arecreatedand enforced through social or governmental institutionstoregulate conduct, although its precise definition is a matteroflongstanding debate. It has been variously described asascience[6][7] and the art of justice. State-enforced laws canbemade by a collective legislature or by a singlelegislator,resulting in statutes, by the executive through decreesandregulations, or established by judges through precedent,normallyin common law jurisdictions. Private individuals can createlegallybinding contracts, including arbitration agreements that mayelectto accept alternative arbitration to the normal court process.Theformation of laws themselves may be influenced by aconstitution,written or tacit, and the rights encoded therein. Thelaw shapespolitics, economics, history and society in various waysand servesas a mediator of relations between people. Legal systemsvarybetween countries, with their differences analysed incomparativelaw. In civil law jurisdictions, a legislature or othercentralbody codifies and consolidates the law. In common lawsystems,judges make binding case law through precedent, althoughonoccasion case law may be overturned by a higher court orthelegislature. Historically, religious law influencedsecularmatters, and is still used in some religious communities.Sharialaw based on Islamic principles is used as the primary legalsystemin several countries, including Iran and Saudi Arabia. LawBooksOffline - table of contents "Chaper 0: Cover" "Chapter1:Introduction to Law and Legal Systems" "Chapter 2: CorporateSocialResponsibility and Business Ethics" "Chapter 3: Courts andtheLegal Process" "Chapter 4: Constitutional Law and USCommerce""Properti Law 1: Property Law" "Properti Law 2: RealProperty""Properti Law 3: Personal Property" "Theory of Law 1: Law""Theoryof Law 2: History" "Theory of Law 3: Legal theory" "Theoryof Law4: Legal methods" "Contract Law 1: Contract" "Contract Law2:Formation" "Contract Law 3: Capacity" "Contract Law 4:Formalitiesand writing" "Contract Law 5: Contractual Term""International Law"Application Features : Category 👉 With thisfeature, you will beeasy to search for Law Books by category.Favorite 👉 You can savethe Law Books Offline that you want to savefor later learning bysimply pressing the favorite button at the topof the formula. Alltheories 👉 Display the whole theory and materialSearch 👉 You willeasily find certain categories or articles MuamarDev (MD) is asmall application developer who wants to contribute totheadvancement of education in the World. Appreciate and appreciateusby giving 5 stars. Your critics and suggestions mean a lottodevelop this free Law Books Offline application tostudents,students and the general public in the World. CopyrightIcons Someicons in this application are sourced . Formore information, please read more in theapplication CopyrightIcon section. DISCLAIMER : Content likeArticles, Pictures andVideo in this application were collected fromall over the web, soif I have violated your copyright, please letme know and it willbe removed as soon as possible. All copyrightsand trademarks areowned by their respective owners. This app is notendorsed by oraffiliated with any other affiliated entities. Allimages used inthis app are believed to be in public domain. If youown rights toany of the images, and do not wish them to appearhere, pleasecontact us and they will be removed.
Mp3 Suara Takbiran Offline Takbiran Offline_MuamarDev
Muamar Dev
The takbiran mp3 application comes with the latest mp3 takbiransound
Military Strategy Books MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
International world military strategy theory book. Learn the worldmilitary!
Human Resource Management MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Human Resource Management - Learning human resources offline
Pengatalogan Non Buku MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Non-Book Cataloging Theory for students and the general public
Filsafat Olahraga MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Olehraga's Theory of Philosophy for Sport Science students
Buku Kesehatan Mental MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
The basic theory of mental health books for students and thegeneral public
K3LH Laboratorium MuamarDev-2022
Muamar Dev
Book of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) Laboratory
English Grammar Offline MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
English Grammar Offline: Learn English grammar offline for free
Bank Soal Fisika SMK Kelas X S MuamarDev-2020
Muamar Dev
A collection of questions and discussion of Physics at SMK Class XSemester 1
Strategic Management Book MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Offline strategy management theory book. Free strategy managementcourse
Representing Yourself in Court MuamarDev-2022
Muamar Dev
Basic knowledge of Representing Yourself in Court
Political Campaign Strategy MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Basic knowledge of political campaign strategy
Bank Soal Fisika SMK Kelas X S MuamarDev-2020
Muamar Dev
A collection of questions and discussion of Physics at SMK Class XSemester 2
Employment Law Book MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Employment Law Book Offline is an application that contains acollection of theories about labor law. Knowledge of labor law isvery important to understand. For example, when I founded mybusiness, I decided that I would not keep track of my employees'working hours. I thought it would be easier for me to pay thestipulated salary to all my employees, so that I didn't have tokeep a timesheet. This means that all my employees are exemptemployees. I didn't realize that this was a special legalclassification. By understanding labor laws, we can minimize andsolve problems related to workers. What Is Employment Law? Almostall businesses use some sort of employment law. Employment law isthe area of law that governs the employer-employee relationship.Therefore, if the business has more than one employee, then thebusiness likely uses employment law. This area is made up of bothstate and federal laws and includes many different subjects withthe common goal to protect workers' rights. For employees, theselaws work to: 1. Prevent discrimination 2. Promote health andsafety 3. Establish a minimum required level for economic support4. Prevent work disruption due to disputes between labor andmanagement Download the Guide to Employment Law US applicationimmediately. Table of Contents "Paid Vacation: What Are YourRights?" "Meal and Rest Breaks: Your Rights as an Employee""Workplace Retaliation: What Are Your Rights?" "WrongfulTermination: Was Your Firing Illegal?" "Unemployment Benefits: WhatIf You Quit?" "Employment At Will: What Does It Mean?" "When MustEmployers Pay Overtime?" "Hiring Your First Employee: 13 Things YouMust Do" "Unemployment Benefits: Contesting an Employee's Claim""Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" "How to HandleDiscrimination and Harassment Complaints" "Who Is Eligible For FMLALeave?" "Are You Eligible for Workers' Compensation Benefits?""Getting a Fair Amount From Your Workers' Comp Settlement" "HowMuch of My Workers' Comp Settlement or Award Do I Get to Keep?""Worker's Compensation Time Limits" "Workers' Compensation BenefitsFAQ" "Unemployment Benefits: What If You Quit?" Fitur Aplikasi :Category 👉 With this feature, you will be easy to search forEmployment Law Offline by category. Favorite 👉 You can save theEmployment Law Theory that you want to save for later learning bysimply pressing the favorite button at the top of the formula. Alltheories 👉 Display the whole theory and material Search 👉 You willeasily find certain categories or articles * THE APPLICATION ISFREE. Appreciate and appreciate Us with 5 stars. ***** * No need togive bad stars, just 5 stars. If the material is lacking, justrequest it. This appreciation can certainly make us more excitedabout updating the content and features of this application. MuamarDev (MD) is a small application developer who wants to contributeto the advancement of education in the World. Appreciate andappreciate us by giving 5 stars. Your criticism and suggestions arevery meaningful to develop this free International Tradeapplication for students and the general public in the World.Copyright Icons Some icons in this application are sourced . For more information, please read more in theapplication Copyright Icon section. DISCLAIMER : Content likeArticles, Pictures and Video in this application were collectedfrom all over the web, so if I have violated your copyright, pleaselet me know and it will be removed as soon as possible. Allcopyrights and trademarks are owned by their respective owners.This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with any other affiliatedentities. All images used in this app are believed to be in publicdomain. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wishthem to appear here, please contact us and they will be removed.
Business Contract MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Business Contract Book is an application that contains a collectionof basic knowledge about contracts in business. The importance ofbasic knowledge of business contracts certainly requires you tolearn them. It doesn't matter if it's typed or written by hand. Nordoes it have to be a certain length. But for a business contract tobe legally binding, it must contain six specific elements. As asmall business owner, you should be aware of these elements becausebusiness contracts will likely become the bane of your existence -flowing from contractors, suppliers, vendors, customers, and otherinterested parties right to your table. What Is a BusinessContract? Everyone from major companies to small business ownersand even independent contractors uses business contracts. Anytimeproducts, duties, or services are being traded for a fee, it iswise to form a business contract between the two parties involvedin the trade. Business contracts can be enforced with legal actionand, therefore, protect the two parties from being taken advantageof. Download the Guide to creating business contracts applicationimmediately. Table of Contents "How to Draft a Letter Agreement oran MOU" "Why Your Contract’s “Notices” Provision is VitallyImportant" "How to Negotiate a Force Majeure Clause in YourContract" "What Is a Contract?" "Contracts 101: Make a LegallyValid Contract" "Contracts and Contract Law: Legal Contracts" "TenTips for Making Solid Business Agreements and Contracts" "What Isan Assignment of Contract?" "How Is a Contract Assigned?" "WhatConstitutes Acceptance of a Contract Offer?" "Who Lacks theCapacity to Contract?" "Common Boilerplate Provisions in Contracts""Choice of Law Provisions in Contracts" "Time Is of the EssenceContract Provisions" "What Is a Bill of Sale?" "AcquisitionAgreements (for Sale of Business)" "Sample ConfidentialityAgreement (NDA)" "Fee Protection and Commission Agreements WithBrokers: What You Need to Know" "Breach of Contract: MaterialBreach" "Breach of Contract: Anticipatory Breach (Repudiation)""What is the UCC?" Fitur Aplikasi : Category 👉 With this feature,you will be easy to search for Business Contract Offline bycategory. Favorite 👉 You can save the Business Contract BookOffline that you want to save for later learning by simply pressingthe favorite button at the top of the formula. All theories 👉Display the whole theory and material Search 👉 You will easily findcertain categories or articles * THE APPLICATION IS FREE.Appreciate and appreciate Us with 5 stars. ***** * No need to givebad stars, just 5 stars. If the material is lacking, just requestit. This appreciation can certainly make us more excited aboutupdating the content and features of this application. Muamar Dev(MD) is a small application developer who wants to contribute tothe advancement of education in the World. Appreciate andappreciate us by giving 5 stars. Your criticism and suggestions arevery meaningful to develop this free International Tradeapplication for students and the general public in the World.Copyright Icons Some icons in this application are sourced . For more information, please read more in theapplication Copyright Icon section. DISCLAIMER : Content likeArticles, Pictures and Video in this application were collectedfrom all over the web, so if I have violated your copyright, pleaselet me know and it will be removed as soon as possible. Allcopyrights and trademarks are owned by their respective owners.This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with any other affiliatedentities. All images used in this app are believed to be in publicdomain. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wishthem to appear here, please contact us and they will be removed.
Contract Law Course MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Basic knowledge of contract law. Free law courses
Khutbah Jumat Singkat Offline MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Complete collection of short Friday sermons for 12 months
Criminology Courses MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Basic knowledge of criminology. Legal studies
Manajemen Keuangan Keluarga MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Successfully managing family finances with investments
Deliberative Democracy MuamarDev-2021
Muamar Dev
Learn basic knowledge about Deliberative Democracy
Olahraga Lansia MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Elderly Sports Theory for students and the general public
Carbon Fiber Polymer Textbooks MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Learn basic knowledge about Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer
Toksikologi Lingkungan MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
Environmental Toxicology Theory for students and the general public
Kalkulator Rumus Matematika Of MUAMAR-DEV20
Muamar Dev
Learn Complete Math Formulas with the Offline Math FormulasCalculator
Business Ethics Course MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Business Ethics Course is an application that contains a collectionof theories about ethics in business. Business ethics serves theimportant social function of integrating business and society, bypromoting the legitimacy of business operations, through criticalreflection. Although the social function of business ethics isimplicit in leading business ethics foundation theories, it hasnever been presented in a systematic way. This article sets out tofill this theoretical lacuna, and to explore the theoreticalpotentials of a functional approach to business ethics. Keyconcepts from Parsonian functionalistic sociology are applied toestablish the social integrative function of business ethics. Thisproduces a theoretical framework for business ethics that providesstrong theoretical arguments against often-heard criticisms ofbusiness ethics. Many of these criticisms are ideological innature, in that they systematically play down the importance ofintegrative functions in the business-society relationship, on thegrounds of unrealistic assumptions about the performance ofeconomic and bureaucratic institutions. However, business ethicsitself can also become ideological, if it forgets that theconditions for the application of ethics to business are not alwaysideal as well. Download the Business Ethics App applicationimmediately. Table of Contents "What Is Business Ethics?" "Why IsBusiness Ethics Important?" "Understanding Business Ethics""Examples of Business Ethics" "Special Considerations" "History ""Overview " "Finance " "Finance paradigm" "Other issues " "HumanResource Management " "Trade unions " "Management strategy " "Salesand marketing " "Emerging issues " "Production " "Property ""Modern history of property rights " "Slaves as property " "Naturalright vs Social construct" "Intellectual property " "What Is a Codeof Ethics?" "Understanding a Code of Ethics" "Example of a Code ofEthics" "Principle # (1) Self Interest" "Principle # (2)Utilitarianism" "Principle # (3) The Categorical Imperative""Principle # (4) Duty" Fitur Aplikasi : Category 👉 With thisfeature, you will be easy to search for Learn Business EthicsOffline Guide by category. Favorite 👉 You can save the Ethics -ethics an offline educational app that you want to save for laterlearning by simply pressing the favorite button at the top of theformula. All theories 👉 Display the whole theory and materialSearch 👉 You will easily find certain categories or articles * THEAPPLICATION IS FREE. Appreciate and appreciate Us with 5 stars.***** * No need to give bad stars, just 5 stars. If the material islacking, just request it. This appreciation can certainly make usmore excited about updating the content and features of thisapplication. Muamar Dev (MD) is a small application developer whowants to contribute to the advancement of education in the World.Appreciate and appreciate us by giving 5 stars. Your criticism andsuggestions are very meaningful to develop this free InternationalTrade application for students and the general public in the World.Copyright Icons Some icons in this application are sourced . For more information, please read more in theapplication Copyright Icon section. DISCLAIMER : Content likeArticles, Pictures and Video in this application were collectedfrom all over the web, so if I have violated your copyright, pleaselet me know and it will be removed as soon as possible. Allcopyrights and trademarks are owned by their respective owners.This app is not endorsed by or affiliated with any other affiliatedentities. All images used in this app are believed to be in publicdomain. If you own rights to any of the images, and do not wishthem to appear here, please contact us and they will be removed.
Bank Soal Matematika SMK Kelas MuamarDev-2020
Muamar Dev
A collection of questions and discussion of Mathematics at SMKClass X Semester 2
Belajar Bahasa Jepang Offline MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
Complete Japanese study guide offline and its meaning
Belajar Bahasa Arab Offline MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
Complete Arabic learning guide offline and its meaning
Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Offline MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Buku Kesehatan Masyarakat merupakan aplikasi Buku GratisIndonesiayang mempelajari tentang teori dasar ilmu kesehatanmasyarakat.Melalui aplikasi ini Kamu bisa mempelajari tentangpengertiankesehatan lingkungan, syarat lingkungan yang sehat,carapemeriharaan kesehatan lingkungan, tujuan kesehatanlingkungan,masalah kesehatan, pengolahan limbah, sanitasilingkungan dan teorikesehatan masyarakat lainnya. Aplikasi BukuIlmu Gizi Dasar sangatcocok digunakan untuk mahasiswa Ilmu Gizi,pelajar maupunmasyarakat umum yang ingin mempelajari Ilmu Gizisecara praktis.Aplikasi Pengantar Ilmu Gizi juga bisa digunakansebagai alternatifpengganti ebooks Ilmu Gizi dikampus Kamu. SekilasTentang IlmuKesehatan Masyarakat Definisi ilmu kesehatan masyarakat(bahasaInggris: public health) menurut Profesor Winslow dariUniversitasYale (Leavel and Clark, 1958) adalah ilmu dan senimencegahpenyakit, memperpanjang hidup, meningkatkan kesehatan fisikdanmental, dan efisiensi melalui usaha masyarakat yangterorganisiruntuk meningkatkan sanitasi lingkungan, kontrol infeksidimasyarakat, pendidikan individu tentang kebersihanperorangan,pengorganisasian pelayanan medis dan perawatan, untukdiagnosadini, pencegahan penyakit dan pengembangan aspek sosial,yang akanmendukung agar setiap orang di masyarakat mempunyaistandarkehidupan yang kuat untuk menjaga kesehatannya. IkatanDokterAmerika, AMA, (1948) mendefinisikan Kesehatan Masyarakatadalahilmu dan seni memelihara, melindungi dan meningkatkankesehatanmasyarakat melalui usaha-usaha pengorganisasianmasyarakat.Download segera aplikasi Buku Ilmu Kesehatan MasyarakatOffline.Fitur Aplikasi : Fitur Kategori Buku Gratis BahasaIndonesiaOffline 👉 Dengan fitur ini, Anda akan mudah untuk mencariTeoriIlmu Gizi berdasarkan kategori. Fitur Favorite 👉 Andabisamenyimpan Teori Kesehatan Masyarakat yang ingin Anda simpanuntukdi pelajari dikemudian hari hanya dengan mengetuk tombolfavoritepada bagian atas artikel. Fitur Fitur Artikel 👉 Melihatsemua teoriIlmu Pendidikan Kesehatan Masyarakat dalam satu menuFiturPencarian 👉 Cari nama kategori dan judul artikel sesuaidengankeinginanmu. Muamar Dev adalah pengembang aplikasi androidyangingin memberikan kontribusi terhadap pendidikan di Indonesia.Masihbanyak kekurangan dalam aplikasi ini. Oleh sebab itu, kritikdansaran yang Anda berikan sangat kami harapkan, sehinggakedepannyaKami akan terus mengembangkan aplikasi Buku IlmuKesehatanMasyarakat secara gratis kepada seluruh masyarakatindonesia.*APLIKASI INI GRATIS. Hargai dan apresiasi Kami dengan 5bintang.***** *Tidak perlu memberikan bintang jelek ya, cukup 5bintangsaja. Kalau materinya kurang, request aja. Apresiasitersebut tentubisa membuat kami menjadi lebih semangat untuk lebihmemperbaharuikonten dan fitur aplikasi ini. Hak Cipta Ikon SebagianHak Ciptaikon dalam aplikasi dimiliki oleh bisa dilihat di bagian menu privasi dankebijakanaplikasi. PENOLAKAN: Konten seperti Artikel, Gambar, danVideodalam aplikasi ini dikumpulkan dari seluruh web yangbersifatdomain publik, jadi jika Kami telah melanggar hak ciptaAnda, beritahu saya dan itu akan dihapus sesegera mungkin. Semuahak ciptadan merek dagang dimiliki oleh pemiliknya masing-masing.Aplikasiini tidak disetujui oleh atau berafiliasi denganentitasterafiliasi lainnya. Semua gambar yang digunakan dalamaplikasi inidiyakini berada di domain publik. Jika Anda memilikihak atas salahsatu gambar, dan tidak ingin mereka muncul di sini,silakan hubungikami dan akan Kami hapus.
Probate Theory MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Basic theory probate - Wills and Trusts. Free offline law courses
Higiene dan Sanitasi Pangan MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Theory of Hygiene and Food Sanitation for students and the generalpublic
Political Science Offline MadaniDev22
Muamar Dev
Principles of Political Science course textbook,basic book theoryfor beginners
Sejarah Perang Dunia 2 MuamarDev-D22
Muamar Dev
World War 2 history books for students and the general public
Human Resource Management Book MadaniDev22
Muamar Dev
Principles of Human Resource Management course, basic Managementbook theory
Philosophy Book MuamarDev-M22
Muamar Dev
Book of basic introduction to the theory of philosophy. Philosophycourse